10 Minutes Full Moon Yoga Flow, Release for a Change ~ Go West Yoga

Welcome! This is an AWESOME, quick, Full Moon Flow to RELEASE the Old Year and Welcome the NEW YEAR. Let’s RELEASE and WELCOME a CHANGE. The Change in Us has the POWER to Help Change the World, at the very least Our Place and Power in the World. WELCOME RELEASE and CHANGE.
“Change is scary. Release can be hard. We CAN do Hard Things. Smile through it. It’s less scary that way.” ~ Pi, Go West Yoga

This is HANDS FREE. I do recommend blocks or a chair at either end of the mat to help in Half Moon Balance pose.
If Crescent Lunge is not in your practice PLEASE take Warrior One Option

Specializing in Hands Free Yoga Practices Rehabilitation, Strength through Stretch
Moving Meditations

Go West Yoga

Maggie Mae-hem’s Moving Meditation Mondays

Instagram: @gwyogapi
FB: @gowestyogabypi

#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #fullmoon #fullmoonyoga #fullmoonyogaflow #release #change #smile #youcanrelease #youcanchange #beyou #bethechange #yoga #gowiththeflow #gratitude #livegrateful #mybodymyfriend #forgiveness #selfforgiveness #selflove #selfcare #healing

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