RELEASE 2020, RELEASE Full Moon Dec 29

This is the longest Full Moon of the year. Last chance to RELEASE 2020 and RELEASE what you NEED to RELEASE from 2020 before entering 2021. Let that stuff go before you step into the New Year. Take the Mantra: I am Happy I am Healthy I will move through this time of RELEASE…you add your noun. What do you need to RE:EASE and NOT bring into 2021? Let’s Move and Breathe together. The blance pose of Half Moon is optional and I give options out. HANDS FREE YOGA ALWAYS. ACCESSIBLE YOGA FOR ALL.
#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #handsfreeyoga #yogaforall #fullmoonyogaflow #release

New Moon Moon Flow Dec 2020, Intermediate Level

Time to be BRAVE and CHALLENGE yourself in this time of New Moon. You CAN be STRONG and TRUST your inner STRENGTH. Accept help of support (be close to a wall or chair, don’t be afraid to accept some helping hands). Challenge yourself to welcome in something new. It might knock you off balance but in the end it will prove you are STRONG, you are BALANCED, you ABLE to take on CHALLENGE. Always HANDS FREE YOGA #handsfreeyoga
#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #gwyoga #lessonsfrompi #thelessonsofpi #meditation #movingmeditations #maggiemaehemmovingmeditationmondays @thelessonsofpi @gowestyogabypi