Moon Flow, Full Moon RELEASE/New Moon ENTER

Hello, Welcome back to another Go West Yoga Moon Flow. This is a beautiful flow for the “Warrior Within” to either Full Moon Cycle RELEASE or New Moon Cycle to clear a path to ENTER (Bring In). As always, HANDS FREE. ENERGIZING. FREEING. May you enjoy and RELEASE or Let ENTER
gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #maggiemaehemmovingmeditationmondays #meditation #yoga #handsfreeyoga #movingmeditation #movementwiththemoon #movelikewater #peaceful #gratitude #humble #imbuilt #gwyoga
@gowestyogabypi @gwyogapi

Reach me:
FB- @gowestyogabypi
IG- @gwyogabypi

MMMMM 20 Minutes, Fully Supported by the Earth

Lie down, RELAX. Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation Mondays, 20 Minutes Fully Supported by the Earth Meditation. Lie down and let the Earth SUPPORT you as you RELEASE into Mediation and Open Heart to Energies. This Practice will guide you into PEACEFUL Sleep or OPEN you to PEACEFUL Morning. ASK and ACCEPT support AS NEEDED. Offer Support with KINDNESS and HUMILITY.
#maggiemaehemmovingmeditationmondays #meditation #supportedmeditation #Earth #peacefulsleep #peacefulday #restfulday #support #askforsupport #acceptsupport #supportwithkindness #gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #lessonsfrompi #thelssonsofpi

FB- @gowestyogabypi
IG- @gwyogapi

MMMMM Open Heart Inner Light. 30 Minute Moving Meditation

An OPEN HEART shines our INNER LIGHT. This Moving Meditation continues the January Theme/Path of Open Heart Health/Healing/Happiness. You will be amazed how quickly this 30 minute moving meditation will shift your inner light, open your heart and send your inner smile of happiness out to others. A smile within is a SMILE to ALL.
#maggiemaehemovingmeditationmondays #meditation #movingmeditation #30minutesmediation #innerlight #openheart #healthhealinghappiness #gowestyoga #gwyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #thelessonsofpi #lessonsfrompi #mondays #theworldsacircle

Contact Pi-
FB: @gowestyogabypi
IG: @gwyogapi

YouTube Channels:
Go West Yoga
Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditations Mondays

Heart Opening Detox Hatha Yoga Practice, Hands Free for All Levels

Welcome back to Go West Yoga! Namaste

This Heart Opening Detox practice is a FULL HOUR, HANDS FREE, HATHA YOGA PRACTICE. I am hearing and feeling closed hearts ALL around me. If you are feeling locked up in your heart I hope to help shift The Energy through this HEART OPENING DETOX practice. A heart that is CLOSED OFF or BLOCKED builds toxins within and those toxins leak out into the World. Leaving us unable to LOVE ourselves and if we cannot LOVE ourselves we cannot properly LOVE or show LOVE to others. Our LOVE of self BRIGHTENS our INNER LIGHT. That INNER LIGHT burns BRIGHT within and SHINES from every inch of our body. At a time when we are not always able to see SMILES, you are able, with an OPEN HEART to SHINE your INNER LIGHT OUT to others and they will see your INNER SMILE through and OPEN HEALTHY HEART.

And with a RENEWED Open and Healthy Heart build our Inner WARRIOR. Ready to MARCH into the New Year with Strength, Peace and Humbleness. Remembering that the Strongest of Warriors are only as strong as they are able to know when Peace and Humility are the better “weapons” for battle. Compassion towards self and others is not weakness, it is Warrior Strength. These times (all times) call for Warriors who know when to be Strong with Fortitude, seek Peace through Kindness and Lead others by example with Humility.

Let us share this Heart Opening Detox together. Finding an Open Heart space FLUSHED clean of past toxins throughout body, soul and mind. Shining our Inner Warrior Love, Out. Our Inner Warrior’s Guiding Light leading towards Loving Heart and Happiness. Smiles, Light and Love. Strength, Peace, Humility. Happiness, Health, Humor. All start within us FIRST.
Namaste, Pi

#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #yoga #handsfreeyoga #hathayoga #heartopeningyoga #detoxyoga #innerlove #innerlight #selflove #lovethyselffirst #humble #humblewarrior #peacefulwarrior #warriorstrong #shineyourinnerlight #smile #yoursmileshines
Reach out to me at:
FB: @gowestyogabypi
IG: @gwyogapi

MMMM Not Quite Monday

Well Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation…Not Quite Monday though. Welcome 2021! I hold myself accountable to meditation whether it is Monday or any/every day. Meditation is hard especially at first. As is holding ourselves ACCOUNTABLE. This Moving Meditation is Warrior Yoga Pose based. The STRENGTH of a Warrior is their Accountability and their Humility. Showing up for meditation holds me and you accountable. With humility I apologize for not showing up on schedule.

Let’s start 2021, Warrior Strong with INNER STRENGTH first and OUTWARD HUMILITY and HUMBLENESS. Perhaps in 2021, we as Warriors can allow for opposition to our opinion and with humility, LISTEN. We do not have to agree with others. Those we do not agree with are NOT automatically our enemies. Your INNER STRENGTH holds you ACCOUNTABLE to your REACTIONS, your reactions FLIP (flip perspective) to ACTIONS with HUMILITY of allowing for others to speak, think, feel. Remember, the STRONGEST Warrior knows when to WALK away from a senseless fight. That is HUMBLENESS and ACCOUNTABILITY personified.
#maggiemaehemmovingmeditationmonday #meditation #movingmeditation #accountability #humility #humble #strength #warrior #strongwarrior #peacefulwarrior #humblewarrior
#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi
FB: @gowestyogabypi
IG: @GWYogaPi

Power Out of 2020, Hands Free 40 minute Power Yoga

POWER OUT OF 2020! WE DID IT!!! We can do hard things and 2020 proved it, now Power Out of it. Send 2020 thanks for teaching you strength in adversity, balance through shaky moments and you can modify any situation to suit your current needs. YOGA!!! Your yoga emulates your Life, your Life emulates through your yoga practice. So enjoy this, did I say 30 minutes in the opening of the video, a little over 40 minute Hands Free Power Yoga. Includes a brief spinal warm-up, 2 standing power flow sequences, intense core and well deserved cool down with breath work.
Be kind to yourself, and LISTEN to your body. Make modifications as needed or skip certain poses all together. This practice can be intense and it’s up to you to know how intense you want to make it. I offer options/alternatives in the opening.
“Add a smile to the difficult, it brings a sense of ease to everything. Inside and out.”- Pi

Visit me on FB: @gowestyogabypi
Visit me on Instagram: @gwyogapi
Website: (class schedule and class descriptions on the website)
#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #lessonsfrompi #byebye2020 #hello2021 #wecandohardthings #poweryoga #handsfreeyoga #yoga #bepositive #offergratitude #gratitude #humor #smile