Calm the Energies, Generate Light ! Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation Monday

Welcome! After a Full Moon that made “challenges easy” but threw a lot at us especially if “Intuition” runs STRONG in You. Regardless when you find this Moving Meditation, GREAT for any Moment in Time, it will Gather Your Breath, Settle Your Root, Collect and Build Your Inner Light to SHINE from Inwards, Outwards to the World and Universe. Your Light is Your Gift to ALL. Calm Your Vibrant Energies so You may SHINE BRIGHT!
Enjoy the Pony and Pup Energy Interludes and Sharings. They TRULY Love Helping in Healing.


Reach out to Pi at:
FB @gowestyogabypi
IG @gwyogapi

#maggiemaehemmovingmeditationmondays #meditation #movingmeditation #ground #foundation #innerlight #shinebright #inhale #exhale #shineyourinnerlightout #trueyou #chakra #chakraclearing #chakracleanse #letthatstuffgo #breath #connectwithyourbreath #energy #sacredenergy #yoursacredpowersource #smile #laugh #support #earth #yoga #gowestyogabypi #gowestyoga #gwyogapi #handsfreeyoga @gowestyogabypi @gwyogapi #thelessonsofpi #lessonsfrompi @thelessonsofpi @nicolemusmannodotcom #builtbar #imbuilt #wearpact #sustainablecotton #wearcottonnotplastic #truwild #livewell #bewell #healthyliving

If you like this video and want to EXPLORE Yoga, visit Go West Yoga on YouTube. Latest video builds on this Grounding Moving Meditation:

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Full Moon Yoga Flow, Gather the Light Shine Your Light ~ Go West Yoga

Welcome! This is an AWESOME, quick, Full Moon Flow. Welcome this Harvest Full Moon in Pisces. A time to Collect the Divine Universal Light and CULTIVATE it Grow and SHINE Your True Purpose Inner Light. Get ready to TRANSFORM, REBIRTH into Your Life Path and Calling. SHINE BRIGHT LOVELIES!!!
“You have a higher Purpose for being Born. Discover and Cultivate Your Higher Being.”~Pi, Go West Yoga

This is HANDS FREE. I do recommend blocks or a chair at either end of the mat to help in Half Moon Balance pose.
If Crescent Lunge is not in your practice PLEASE take Warrior One Option

Perhaps try the practice in the link below, as warm-up or morning GROUNDING prior to this Moon Flow:


Specializing in Hands Free Yoga Practices Rehabilitation, Strength through Stretch
Moving Meditations


Go West Yoga

Maggie Mae-hem’s Moving Meditation Mondays

Instagram: @gwyogapi
FB: @gowestyogabypi

#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #fullmoon #fullmoonyoga #fullmoonyogaflow #transformation #rebirth #release #truepurpose #trueyou #shinebright #innerlight #yoga #gowiththeflow #movement #meditation #ground #removeanxiety #release #calming #chakras #chakrahealing #rootchakra #secondchakra #solarplexuschakra #light #emberofhappiness #gratitude #livegrateful #mybodymyfriend #forgiveness #selfforgiveness #selflove #selfcare #healing

Leaf Remedys
Promo Code: LRPI (20% OFF)

Promo Code: WILDPi17 (17% OFF)

Built Bar Built Bar @builtbarbrindy
Promo Code: GWYOGA (10% OFF)


Photo of shadows cast on the ground
Photo of shadows cast on the groundOne day two people were walking towards each other. They look straight ahead and though they look forward, they seemingly do not see they are about to collide. At the last moment, they both see the other and halt, with barely a whisper in distance between their noses. Instinctually they both think, ‘back up’, but neither does. Their eyes lock in a moment of vague recognition.
Person One, “I am sorry. Have we met?”
Person Two, “Yes, our paths have crossed several times over the years.”
Person One, “I wondered. You look so familiar.”
Person Two, “Familiar enough. We have even hung out for periods of times.”
Person One, “We did? Why did we not stay in touch?”
Person Two, “We were on separate journeys to take.”
Person One, “This feels like one of those journeys now.”
Person Two, “It is.”
Person One, “It feels like we are on it together.”
Person Two, “We are.”
Person One, “So I may walk with you and may we talk and travel together.”
Person Two, “I have been waiting for you to ask me for years. Yes, we may travel this path together, forever.”
Introductions past, I turn and walk forward shoulder to shoulder with My True Self.
aka Nicole A Musmanno

Grounding into You 40 minute Yin Practice

Welcome Back My Lovelies!
It has been a while. Yes I needed a Summer Break but I am back and ready to Create More content here on Go West Yoga YouTube and my other channel Maggie Mae-hem Moving meditation Mondays.
This new YIN STYLE (holding poses for longer periods to really FEEL the poses and FEEL YOUR BODY) video it PERFECT for anyone feeling a bit disconnected with their bodies or the Earth. Needing to feel a sense of GROUNDING and OPENNESS (Hip Openers) and New Possibilities. Open to Your Creativity and the You were were Born on this Earth to be. And this video is coming during the NEW MOON of September, a Welcome of Change! A PERFECT time to RELEASE and WELCOME in the TRUE YOU. The Grounded YOU. The Loving YOU. The Creative YOU.
Maybe a grab blanket for your knees for this one. A pillow maybe too. Be KIND to yourself. Be humble and know when you have gone Too Far in a pose and back as needed.

Welcome in Your True Path. Ground Down. Cultivate/Birth. Create/BELIEVE!!!
Mostly Hands Free ONLY to transition. Hip Opener. Grounding. Deep Stretch Yin Style Yoga.
“You have a higher Purpose for being Born. Discover and Cultivate Your Higher Being.”
~Pi, Go West Yoga, September 6, 2021 (September NEW MOON)

Specializing in Hands Free Yoga Practices Rehabilitation, Strength through Stretch
Moving Meditations


Go West Yoga

Maggie Mae-hem’s Moving Meditation Mondays

Instagram: @gwyogapi
FB: @gowestyogabypi

#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #yoga #gowiththeflow #movement #meditation #ground #removeanxiety #release #calming #chakras #chakrahealing #rootchakra #secondchakra #solarplexuschakra #light #emberofhappiness #gratitude #livegrateful #mybodymyfriend #forgiveness #selfforgiveness #selflove #selfcare #healing

Leaf Remedys
Promo Code: LRPI (20% OFF)

Promo Code: WILDPi17 (17% OFF)

Built Bar Built Bar @builtbarbrindy
Promo Code: GWYOGA (10% OFF)