Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation Mondays: Healing

Well, better late then never. My tech savvy (NOT) got the best of me. I manged to wipe clean a memory card with the accidental click of “delete all” vs “delete”….not a conspiracy, just my painful ineptness. And yet I think this was just what is needed RIGHT NOW. A call to HEALING. A need to HEAL. Look inwards and notice what needs healed. It may be obvious, as in my case or it may be subtle. REFRAIN from dwelling on, “What is wrong with me?” Instead, ask, “What may I HEAL in ME?” We are our Best Healers, especially when we draw inwards with compassion and HEALING INTENTIONS. May the Journey through Meditation Practice continue to bring to Your Life: Monthly, Daily, Hourly, Minute by Minute, Breath by Breath HEALING.
***This meditation is actually PERFECT for right before bedtime, as it is seated and supported, very little movement, PLENTY of time to Ground through YOUR BREATH*** (sometimes accidents are happy…)

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