WELCOME! Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation is HAPPENING. You CAN meditate. It is not as hard as you thinking connecting your Movement to you Breath, your Breath to your Mind, your Mind to the Present. This is HANDS FREE mostly and when hands on the ground please note my before practice instructions to honor shoulders, elbows and wrists. I hope you ENJOY! If so SUBSCRIBE and get alerts to weekly practices. Thank you, and Namaste. #maggiemae-hemmovingmeditationmondays #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi @gowestyogabypi (FB) @gwyogapi (instagram) and to understand the Journey that got me here please check out my book: The Lessons of Pi on Amazon and local bookstores are able to order and have in your hands as fast as Amazon #shoplocal @reikilightblessings
@lisapaigemademedoit @watchchad @danharris #10%happier #meditation #meditationworksdamnit 😉
@lisapaigemademedoit @watchchad @danharris #10%happier #meditation #meditationworksdamnit 😉
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