Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation Mondays: Balancing Intuition, Heart Space and Solar Plexus

Welcome! Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation Mondays comes the morning after a SUPER MOON, the first of 4 in a row!!! This moon is INTENSE which means Its ENERGY is INTENSE. Use this INTENSE ENERGY to MOVE with Your BREATH. BALANCE your Own Energies and RELEASE the Energies that do not serve You and Your Purpose here on Earth. The Balancing of INTUITION (third eye chakra), HEART SPACE (seat of Love and Energy) and SOLAR PLEXUS (Your Emotion, Your Gut Feeling) means you can LET GO and OPEN these Spaces of Inner Workings to Guide You to Your True Self.
Keep Laughing even through the Balance Wobbles and Bobbles. it teaches us to do the same in Life.
~Go West Yoga
“You were born for and with a Purpose and now is good as time as any to Step Into Your Life Purpose.”~ Pi, Go West Yoga
#gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi @gowestyogabypi @gwyogapi #yoga #handsfreeyoga #newmoonflow #fullmoonflow #movewiththemoon #balance #intuition #heartspace #solarplexus #purpose #lifepurpose #humble #smile #innerlightshine #innerlightoutersmile #thelessonsofpi #lessonsfrompi @thelessonsofpi @nicolemusmannodotcom #builtbar #imbuilt #wearpact #sustainablecotton #wearcottonnotplastic #truwild #livewell #bewell #healthyliving

Reach out to Pi at:
FB @gowestyogabypi
IG @gwyogapi


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