MMMM Not Quite Monday

Well Maggie Mae-hem Moving Meditation…Not Quite Monday though. Welcome 2021! I hold myself accountable to meditation whether it is Monday or any/every day. Meditation is hard especially at first. As is holding ourselves ACCOUNTABLE. This Moving Meditation is Warrior Yoga Pose based. The STRENGTH of a Warrior is their Accountability and their Humility. Showing up for meditation holds me and you accountable. With humility I apologize for not showing up on schedule.

Let’s start 2021, Warrior Strong with INNER STRENGTH first and OUTWARD HUMILITY and HUMBLENESS. Perhaps in 2021, we as Warriors can allow for opposition to our opinion and with humility, LISTEN. We do not have to agree with others. Those we do not agree with are NOT automatically our enemies. Your INNER STRENGTH holds you ACCOUNTABLE to your REACTIONS, your reactions FLIP (flip perspective) to ACTIONS with HUMILITY of allowing for others to speak, think, feel. Remember, the STRONGEST Warrior knows when to WALK away from a senseless fight. That is HUMBLENESS and ACCOUNTABILITY personified.
#maggiemaehemmovingmeditationmonday #meditation #movingmeditation #accountability #humility #humble #strength #warrior #strongwarrior #peacefulwarrior #humblewarrior
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