Moon Flow, Balance Through Change

Hello and Welcome back to another Moon Flow with Go West Yoga. I am Pi and SO Blessed to be here with you.
This Moon Flow is CHALLENGING but in a good way and is ACCESSIBLE to ALL if you are HUMBLE and place yoga blocks (or boxes) at either or if available chairs at either end of your mat.
Flow was created during New Moon. Time to BRING in the NEW. But AWESOME Flow for Full Moon RELEASE. Let Go!
Breathe. Focus your Vision. Smile.
Shout out to @feedmefightme
The yoga tights I am wearing for this video are from Feed me Fight Me.Veteran owned. Portion of there proceeds go to help Veterans, Veterans’ Organizations and Foundations. #veterans #supportourtroops #supportveterans #gowestyoga #gowestyogabypi #gwyogapi #balance #breathe #meditation #warrior #peacefulwarrior #humblewarrior #yoga #handsfreeyoga

Contact Pi @:
FB @gowestyogabypi
IG @gwyogapi

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