Nikko and Linda, CO

Hi everyone, this is Nikko, my better half🙂,

Nicole was able to connect with my dog Nikko easily.  It started out kind of funny. She asked me, “What’s up with 3?” Here’s what is up with 3:

  1. He was 3 months short of his 3rd birthday when he came to me.
  2. He came to me in the 3rd month, March.
  3. He was with me for 3yrs when he and Nicole connected. 

Not bad for him telling her 3!!!

He also has a problem when he’s excited, especially in the car. He cries, paces, whines, and it makes me crazy.  I thought he was never taught how to behave in the car.  All Nicole had to do, was tell me he’s on the Spectrum. 

Wow, did that make so much sense!  He’s autistic, he doesn’t know what to do, how to contain or handle his excitement.  It’s helped me immensely,  and our rides have improved so much.

The other thing she helped me with was his overprotective behavior. She taught him a new command, after she explained that he can’t be like that all the time. It works, he will always be alert and make people keep a respectful distance, but he trusts me more.

Nicole, I can’t thank you enough, we’ve become even closer, and I owe it all to you!  

~ Nikko and Linda, CO

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