Welcome to, The Lessons from Pi. 

On August 7, 2014, following a session with my therapist, and her again telling me I need a dog. I for the third time stormed into Boulder Humane Society. Briskly walking through first room of dogs, noticing none, I slammed through the double doors into the second and paused as the doors waved, like a saloon door, shut behind me. 

To my left, I heard a tapping at the window. Tap, Tap, Tapping. At the window glass.

I looked to my left. A white mitten paw attached to a long black leg rested on the window. Two red tinted, milk chocolate, wise, curios eyes, head cocked to my right, one large but proportionate, pointed black ear (the other out of sight below the window ledge) met my gaze. I turned sharp left, snapped her paperwork. 

“Available for Adoption.”

I took one quick look. She spoke, “Go on, I’ve waited long enough.”

I stormed as fiercely, but with a fire of instant connection replacing anger, to the counter. 

I placed her paperwork on the counter and said I must adopt this dog. They told me I had hoops to jump through. Yes, of course, of course. I jumped all of them. Including forcing my then husband to rush our other dog down to the facility to meet Pika. I already knew her name. She told me. In that first look and with those ears. Pika (pronounced : Pie-Kah).

That is where the story began, but even in her passing on February 18, 2014, She, Pika, as do her Lessons, all Continues. 

Following her passing, during a phone call, my dearest friend Hannah out of the blue called me Pi, Pika’s main nickname. She said it just came out, “No idea why but fits.” And so, I teach yoga under the nickname “Pi”. I continue to Learn My Lessons through the eyes of Pi and here is where I will share Lessons from Pi. Observations. Funny musings. Sometimes, hard opinions of which I make no apologies as they are my opinion and that can offend some, meant to hurt none. But as Pika taught me, “resting bitch face” is a real thing. As is, holding up a paw (hand), turning, and walking away (I cannot count how many times Pika stared at me, blank, and walked away. Infuriating? Yes. Deserved? Well, like being offended, interpretation/translation, on me.)

I do not intend to offend. Neither did Pika. I, like her, want to share Lessons so that maybe some find understanding of themselves and surroundings, and more importantly, get some humor at my expense, see the humor in themselves and Life, because Life is not as serious nor as offensive, as we are led in current times to believe. 

So I hope you join and enjoy, Lessons from Pi (she still teaches and speaks through me). May I Do Right by Her, and get it right this time. If not, I am certain She will find a way to knock me back on track. 

Welcome to, The Lessons from Pi. 

***This is my blog, not to be confused with the book, Lessons of Pi***

ps- Pika has returned. Many who knew Pika have seen her, again. She’s Baaaack….paws swinging, literally (I mean literally truly, She actually punches above her 34.7lb weight, literally punches. All who knew her, call it, The Pika Paw.)

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